

about us

It is with great pleasure that we present our readers with the exciting news of a new magazine called, the ‘Western Canadian Game Warden’. The Alberta Game Warden and the Saskatchewan Game Warden magazines have recently apprised their readers of the new venture into the Western Canadian Game Warden concept. The new magazine will continue to be dedicated to serving the public and its professionals working in environmental and natural resource law enforcement. The new magazine is an amalgamation of the Alberta Game Warden, and the Saskatchewan Game Warden magazines. We are also being joined in this new venture by other officer associations that include Manitoba, British Columbia, Northwest Territories and the Yukon. The magazine’s main function will be to promote public awareness of environmental and natural resource issues affecting all outdoor enthusiasts that make their home in Western Canada. This magazine will present a forum for discussion of local, national and international environmental issues including government policies, regulations, conservation law enforcement, forensics, case files, and resource management issues.

This new magazine like its past magazines (Alberta and Saskatchewan Game Warden) will act as a line of communication between Western Game Wardens and the public they continue to serve. Our readers will continue to learn how our Game Wardens strive daily to protect our fish and wildlife resources. As a reader, you will find the information in this magazine to be very similar in nature to our past magazine however, it will contain a variety of topics and issues from all corners of the western provinces. The Western Canadian Game Warden Magazine is published three times annually in February, June and October and may not be reprinted in whole or in part without the express written consent of the editor and the author.The Western Canadian Game Warden welcomes any resource related articles, letters, photographs or correspondence. Slanderous and offensive letters will not be published. The editor has the authority to refuse printing of any article, or letter not in the best interest of the magazine, individual officers or officer associations.

Reader survey

We invite you to participate with our survey. The survey will be used to collect demographic information about our readers and help us to provide the content that you want to have. In return for you time to complete our survey you will be eligible to win a free 1 year subscription to our magazine. All information gathered will only be used by the Western Canadian Game Warden Magazine and will not be shared.

Reader Survey